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Baby, Toddler, All Ages, Featured, Newborn Rhaine Clarke Baby, Toddler, All Ages, Featured, Newborn Rhaine Clarke

Is My Baby Overtired? Knowing the Signs & How to Help Your Child When They Are Overtired

Is my baby over or undertired???

Perhaps one of the most loaded questions that parents ask me when their baby is struggling with sleep and, of course, there is a LOT to consider when pinning down the answer. As a holistic sleep coach, I believe it is crucial to look at the whole picture to better understand your child’s sleep needs and how to help them navigate more healthy sleep habits. Let’s unpack!

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All Ages, Featured, Baby, Newborn, Preschool, Toddler Rhaine Clarke All Ages, Featured, Baby, Newborn, Preschool, Toddler Rhaine Clarke

My Top 5 Favorite Sleep Products

How many times have you found yourself scrolling through options for the best sleep products for your little one? How many blackout curtains have you tried but are still having issues? How many swaddles has baby gone through and still struggles to settle? How quickly has your kiddo outgrown their expensive sleep sack? I know your pain! I have had the unique opportunity to test hundreds of products and have thoughtfully curated my top 5 essentials for baby sleep!

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All Ages, Self care, Baby, Newborn, Preschool, Toddler Rhaine Clarke All Ages, Self care, Baby, Newborn, Preschool, Toddler Rhaine Clarke

Managing Your Child’s Sleep During the Holidays

Ever feel like you’re compromising kiddo’s sleep during holiday visits? Or maybe you’re thinking you’ve lost the “fun parent” badge by focussing too much on baby’s routine? Whether you are traveling or staying close to home this holiday season, having a plan for your child’s sleep will help balance your child sleep needs while still participating in your favorite traditions!

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Featured, All Ages, Baby, Newborn, Preschool, Toddler Rhaine Clarke Featured, All Ages, Baby, Newborn, Preschool, Toddler Rhaine Clarke

Is it Time to Drop the Pacifier?

How reliant is your baby on the pacifier? Are you constantly rushing to pop in the binky before baby wakes? Does baby refuse to resettle without the pacifier? Are you wishing things could go differently? Here, I offer my go to methods for shifting away from pacifier dependency for babies ages 4-12 months.

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